Nokia re-introduce the Nokia X2-01, phone with full QWERTY keyboard also an affordable price. In addition to a full QWERTY keyboard, the phone also to have the main features such as screen width, special messaging and fast editing button for all email accounts and favorite networking community.
As a result users can update directly from the various social networks like Facebook and Twitter directly from the main screen with ease.
Not quite up there, X2-01 also comes with some additional features such as camera VGA camera, 3.5 AV connector, built-in handsfree speaker, and Ovi Life Tools. With the many advantages that yes, this phone is claimed suitable for those who are young at heart who always want to appear to exist in the social networking community.
Nokia X2-01 will be available in Indonesia in mid-December with an estimated retail price of under one million Rupiah out of taxes and subsidies.
salam sahabat
maaf telat tapi komentator pertama mendarat hehehe
wah bagus ya nokia x2 01 ini moedlnya kayak BB
Wow, greatt phone man!!
.blogwalking aja ni bro...
Emang kayak BB, *padahal diluaran sana me,bludah model2 BB* hehe
Ok bro.. Trims dah berkunjung
saat ini pamor nokia merosot krna ada nya produk BB ,, hmm mungkin dengan model hp yang mirip BB ini , nokia kembali berjaya. huahuaha
#Muhammad Chandra
heuheuheu.. Sudah lama kali sob Nokia ngeluarin produk wannabe BB, bahkan sebelum produk bb booming di tanah air.. :p
wah dibawah 1 juta kawan!?
murah ya,,, padahal kelihatannya keren, waktu lihat gambarnya aku kira harganya sekitar 1-2 jutaan,,thanks for share
oh iya kawan,,,aku follow ntar follow balik yah,,
#Tutorial Blog:
Sama2 kawan, memeng harganya segitu menginggat makin hari makin ketat saja persaingan antar vendor alhasil hargapun dipangkas seminim mungkin :D
OOT maap: mdpl: meter diatas permukaan laut..ukuran tinggi gunung dari batas laut mas boss..
kapan yah bb harganya dibawah 1 jt wkkwk
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